Pinellas Park

Pinellas County, FL

Neighborhood Overview

Pinellas Park is known throughout the Tampa Bay area for a series of community events held annually in a city-owned bandshell located behind City hall. The most popular of these events is “Country in the Park”, a festival held every year generally on the third Saturday of March, but always after the Florida State Fair and Florida Strawberry Festival.

 The festival’s popularity stems from its wide array of events, such as arts and crafts shows, NASCAR displays, popular amusement park rides, and multi-artist day-long concerts, and the fact that parking, entry to the festival, and attendance of the concert are all free of charge. As of 2011, the Country in the Park festival has been organized for 21 years straight.[19] Another popular celebration among the locals is Pride in the Park. This celebration occurs during the week leading up to Country in the Park. Usually the night before Country in the Park, the firefighters’ chili cookoff takes place at the bandshell.

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